The company was established in September 2018 and located in Izumisano City, Osaka Prefecture in June 2019. After a rigorous review in December of the same year, the company obtained a valid occupation referral license , which number is 27- ユ -302954. The company is certified by the Immigration Bureau to be a specific skills support agency in May 2020, which number is 20登-004436. Also applying for the third type of travel agency license in November 2020, which name and number is “The Governor of Osaka Prefecture Registered as a Travel Industry 第3-3079”.
The company is located in Izumi Sano City, near Kansai International Airport. There are lots of industries, including tourism, logistics, food processing, refrigeration plants, parts manufacturing, towel factory in the birthplace of Japanese towels, agriculture, fishery, etc., almost covering a variety of industries. The company could be an important bridge between employee hunters and job seekers because of such a specific location, as well as be the best helper for those who want to work and develop in Japan.
In terms of travel agency services, we are also actively planning and marketing three Japanese heritage sites in Izumisano, as well as accepting commissions to design various tourist attractions, cultural experiences, and religious tours across the country. So that friends who come for sightseeing can get physical and mental satisfactions and obtain beautiful and unforgettable experiences and memories.
First, Honesty
Second, Altruism
Third, Efficiency
1.Tourism Aspects
walking, religious tours, cultural experiences.
2.Occupational Aspects
(1)Matchmaking staff who is willing to work at hot spring hotels and tourist hotels in the Kansai region.
(2)Various life and labor assistance and support for the No. 1 entrant with specific skills.
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法人口座:三井住友銀行(0009)岸和田支店(171)普通 7351537 アサヒウミカブシキガイシャ
法人口座:池田泉州銀行(0161)泉佐野支店(009)普通 3092185 アサヒウミカブシキガイシャ
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